Thursday, January 7, 2010

Memanfaatkan lubang di kaspersky untuk menginstall antivirus atau internet security tanpa license key.

Memanfaatkan lubang di kaspersky untuk menginstall antivirus atau internet security tanpa license key.

Siapa yang tidak kenal antivirus level dunia sekelas Kaspersky. Kaspersky yang terbaru yaitu versi 2010 atau antivirus maupun internet security ternyata memiliki celah keamanan yang sangat menganga, dimana setiap user dengan mudahnya menginstall secara free dengan memanfaatkan celah Beta version. Berikut ini langkah – langkah yang dapat dilakukan untuk meng-enable fasilitas update:

  1. Anggap kaspersky versi telah terinstall dengan license key kadaluarsa atau sedang dalam masa trial. Jika belum, maka download dan install terlebih dahulu software di
  2. Pergi ke setting panel, klik option kemudian uncheck bagian:
    1. Enable self defense
    2. Disable external service control
  3. Buka registry editor. Win+r ketik regedit atau klik start, run, regedit dan pergi ke HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\KasperskyLab\protected\AVP9\environment
  4. Rubah Value dari key "Product Status" dari Released ke Beta.

  1. Beri tanda Check kembali pada langkah ke-2
  2. Restart computer.
  3. Klik icon tray kaspersky dan klik license di bagian bawah. Hapus key terinstall atau jika dalam masa trial, klik add new license dan klik activate beta license.
  4. Kaspersky sudah valid hingga 30 hari masa Beta. Jika masa habis, dapat diulang kembali langkah2 di atas.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Comodo Time Machine - Quickly And Easily Restore Your Computer To An Earlier Point In Time

Computer system snapshot based backups can be a life-saver if you have important data on your computer, we had shared quite a few free alternatives to the most well-known commercial software utility for the task "Norton Ghost" and now another promising utility has been released by well-known computer-security software maker Comodo - suitably named Comodo Time Machine the free utility worls on almost all flavors of Windows allowing users to do a complete system rollback enabling restoring of computers to an earlier point in time with ease.
Comodo Time-Machine Main Screen

Comodo Time Machine allows users to take manual snapshots or schedule automatic snapshots backups to be taken at regular intervals, the 'snapshots' are a complete record of their entire system including the registry, critical operating system files and user-created documents, when disaster strikes the utility let users roll-back their computers to the last known working state.

Comodo Time-Machine System Backup And Restore

Image Credits : m3651048 at 23hq

Comodo Time Machine Salient Features :

* Easy to use - even beginners can quickly create system snapshots with a few mouse clicks
* Provides instant and comprehensive system recovery after virus or spyware infections
* Instantly reclaim your machine after devastating system crashes
* Rollback the changes to ALL your documents - not just changes to system files and the registry
* Boot-up console allows you to rollback even when your system will not boot to Windows
* Test new software and network configurations in the knowledge that you can quickly switch back if problems develop
* Completely remove unwanted software installations without the need to uninstall or clean the registry
* Flexible restore options allow you to mount and browse snapshots to recover individual files or folders
* Right click on any file or folder to synchronize it with a snapshot version
* Schedule regular system snapshots to ensure highly relevant restore points
* Network administrators have another way to quickly fix user or software problems
* Libraries, Internet cafes and other publicly shared networks can schedule a total system restore at the end of each session.

Comodo Time Machine is 100% free to use supporting Windows 7, Windows Vista

, Windows XP SP3, Windows 2000 SP2 and Windows Server 2003 and can be downloaded from here.