.Download either of the proxy scripts (i use the beta myself)
.Now find a webhost that has decent amount of bandwith and that allows the language CGI
.Download Core FTP
.Log into the ftp client using the details given by your chosen host
.Upload the proxy script into the CGI-Bin folder
.Navigate yourself to,
Now you can see what's hiddenwww.YOUR.DOMAIN.com/cgi-bin/nph-proxy.cgi
.Place your desired rapidshare link
.Uncheck "Remove all scripts (recommended for anonymity)"
.Begin Browsing
.Download as normal
(For more proxies just follow these steps over and over at different host sites. I recommend this for those who like to download alot but aren't rapidshare members although you can not use the members features you will be able to download simultanoes links if you run the proxies at the same time and avoid those time limits)